What is a product? Discuss the difference between core and augmented product.

What is a product? Discuss the difference between core and augmented product.
How does classification of products help marketing strategy?
Discuss the Phases in New Product Development.
What is Adoption Pyramid? Discuss its usefulness to a marketer.
What are the Categories of Adopters? Elaborate.
Discuss the Product Factors That Affect the Rate of Adoption.

Ch. 9 – Discussion Questions

What is product-mix? How is it related to the strategy of a company?
What is an optimum product mix? Discuss its role in marketing strategy.
Discuss the role of TQM in competition and product management.
What is Product Life Cycle (PLC)? How marketing strategies vary at different stages of the PLC?
What is product life cycle (PLC)? Explain the “marketing mix strategies” at the “maturity” stage of the PLC?
Define Branding. Why Brands Matter? Explain.
How does packaging help branding? Explain.

Ch. 10 – Discussion Questions

Discuss the relationship between Value and Price in marketing.
Discuss the Psychological Issues in Setting Prices.
Elements of Price Planning (the whole chapter described in Fig. 10.1)
What are the Pricing Objectives? Elaborate.
Define Demand, Price Elasticity and Break-Even Pricing.
Discuss the economic influences in pricing.
Discuss Psychological, Legal, and Ethical Aspects of Pricing.

Ch. 11 – Discussion Questions

Discuss the role of distribution channels in marketing?
Elaborate how title, goods, money, and information move across different types of channels of distribution.
Discuss the Distribution Channel Functions.
What is VMS? How does it help marketing strategy?
Explain Intensive, Exclusive, and Selective Distribution.
What is channel leadership? How is it related to supply chain?

Ch. 12 – Discussion Questions

What is “The Wheel of Retailing”? Explain.
Discuss how we classify retailers and why.
How Non-Store Retailing is changing the retail culture? Elaborate.
Explain how economic conditions, demographics, consumer preference, technology and globalization are revolutionizing retailing.
Define and explain the characteristics of service.
Explain how we can market People, Places, and Ideas.

Ch. 13 – Discussion Questions

Discuss the Communication Model (Process).
Explain how encoding and decoding is useful in marketing communication.
How promotion mix varies by product or target market? Explain.
What is Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)? Why is it so emphasized in marketing?
How does Push and Pull Promotion differ in marketing?
How would you evaluate an advertising campaign? Discuss.
What is Media Scheduling Metrics? How can they be useful to a marketer? Explain.

Ch. 14 – Discussion Questions

What is Social Media Marketing (SMM)? How can SMM affect the promotion strategy of a company? Explain.
Define Sales Promotion and its role in marketing.
What is Personal Selling? Discuss its usefulness in marketing.
Discuss the Steps in Creative Selling Process.
Explain how Public Relations can favor branding.