What has made MMBC successful? What distinguishes it from competitors? What is distinctive about MMBC’s product? What is distinctive about MMBC’s customers?

Analyze the case study and apply specific marketing concepts to your written submission. The following questions should guide your analysis but are note meant to be essay response questions.

– What is Chris considering doing and what factors will he have to align to be successful?
 What goal should MMBC (Chris) have?

– What has made MMBC successful? What distinguishes it from competitors? What is distinctive about MMBC’s product? What is distinctive about MMBC’s customers?
 How is MMBC’s promotion different and effective?

– What about these factors enabled MMBC to create such a strong brand? What is a brand, anyway? What is Brand Equity? How is it created?

– What has caused MMBC’s decline in spite of its strong brand? Describe the market MMBC serves and the beer market in general. Describe the competition and MMBC’s threats. What is the likely future of competitive brewers? What is MMBC’s market/competitive position?

– Should MMBC introduce a light beer? What are the pros and cons for doing so?

– Is Mountain Man Light feasible for MMBC? What is required for Mountain Man Light to break even in two years? What market share will Mountain Man Light have to obtain to break even in two years? What cannibalization rate is reasonable? Is the budget appropriate for the launch? Can it be reduced?

– Should MMBC launch Mountain Man Light?
 What other strategic options for growth does Chris have if Mountain Man Light is not launched or is unsuccessful?

Do not simply summarize or repeat the facts in the case. I have read the case; I know the facts of the case. Use the facts in support of your application of marketing concepts to analyze the situation facing the decision makers in the case.
Do not include the case analysis questions. The questions are listed in Blackboard to help you analyze the facts of the case but they are not essay question to be answered in your written assignment.
Use of bulleted points and shorts lists is allowed to reduce overall word count and improve readability.
Use of tables and charts is highly encouraged. (Tables and charts do not count towards the 500 word limit)
You can include an appendix or two if you need to explain how you calculated the quantitative elements of your analysis or if you need to present a lengthier piece of analysis.
Present your written assignment in the following four main parts in the order shown below:

1) Issues: What are the major and minor issues facing the company featured in the case?

2) Qualitative analysis: Analyze the root causes of these issues. What external and/or internal factors have caused these problems? Apply marketing concepts to explain what is going on in the case.

3) Quantitative analysis: What quantitative analysis (“marketing math”) should be done to gain deeper understanding of the situation? How does the quantitative analysis affect the options for the company to move forward? Show your calculations and explain any assumptions you have made.

4) Solutions and Recommendations: What are all the possible solutions to the issue facing the company? Which solution would you recommend? Why? Give specific examples of how you would implement your solution.