Writing instructions
For this water and salt loading lab use the table data above to create two graphs, one for urine volume production and one for specific gravity change (reflecting osmolarity). The data and graph describe the response of the kidney to water and salt loading and compare the results (urine specific gravity, urine volume) to the control group. Note that urine volume has no data point at time zero, because this time point reflects the emptying of the bladder at the beginning of the experiment. A small sample is used to measure specific gravity, however. Each graph has four lines comparing the data of all four groups. Note that the volume data starts at 20 minutes, and that the volume at 0 minutes is not zero, but that we do not have data for it. Use the volume data for the 1-liter water loading group to calculate the percent fluid returned; divide the total urine volume returned over the 120-minute period by the volume of water consumed to get the percentage of water returned. In a second calculation, determine the urine production rate in ml/min for each 20 minute interval for the control and the half liter loading group. Discuss the results. Are they how the kidney responds to excess water or salt intake?