Demonstrate an  understanding of the impact the artworks have in our current culture.

In this assignment, you will create a Powerpoint in which you will explore the purposes the arts serve in society and consider the historical, cultural, social, aesthetic context from which art evolves. Many times this can be framed inside of an overarching THERME.
Select two works of art, one Modern and one Postmodern. Develop around a THEME, and create a comparative study.
Required Slides and Links:
Title page: Include theme and your name
Target Audience: Most topics are fairly broad, but they can often be directed toward a particular demographic. Consider the following.

Age: Children, young adults, adults, elderly
Images of both artworks compared
Detailed explanation of your comparison of both artworks selected in slide 3.
Images of both artworks contrasted
Detailed explanation of your contrast of both artworks selected in slide 5 (Use same images from slide 3)
Critically interpret and evaluate both artworks (100 words)
Demonstrate an  understanding of the impact the artworks have in our current culture.
Provide a personal summary of the artist’s life and work. (100 words)
Bibliography/ Work cited
List all your credible sources by providing the author’s name and title of the publication/article.
For on line sources, provide the website and URL address.