Develop a digital and marketing communication plan with a focus on earned media and social media marketing to drive engagement with the brand in the new market of your choice. You have a budget of £10,000 for the pilot campaign period of 6 months starting from January 2021.

The Pangaia clothing brand defines itself as “a materials science company on a mission to save our environment”. Pangaia – so named after the giant landmass from which the continents as we know them today split apart – produces items from bio-based, recycled fibres and materials made from recycled plastic bottles. The brand is based in the UK and they want to increase their reach and awareness in other countries.
You have been appointed as the Digital Marketing freelancer. You are to develop a digital and marketing communication plan with a focus on earned media and social media marketing to drive engagement with the brand in the new market of your choice. You have a budget of £10,000 for the pilot campaign period of 6 months starting from January 2021.
Following the SOSTAC (situational analysis, objectives, strategy, tactics, actions, control) framework, the plan should comprise:
• Situational/Market analysis or background information of the key external factors that may influence the success or otherwise of the plan – please note, you are encouraged and assessed on whether and how well you incorporate outcomes of Assignment 1 into this particular section;
• Identification of the segment that the plan will be aimed at. The plan needs to be
appropriately targeted, so you are to choose a particular segment of the market, outline the
chosen segment and its characteristics;
• Clearly written SMART objectives outlining the main aim and objectives of the plan;
• The marketing communication strategy to be utilised to ensure the successful
implementation of the plan and meeting the objectives;
• The content plan that includes suggestions on types of the content to be published for sixmonths (starting from January 2021), its frequency and creative ideas;
Unit Handbook: Digital Marketing and Communications page 18
• The marketing communication mix (tools and media) to drive engagement with the content proposed in the content plan. This has to be considered in line with the objectives and strategy, the schedule (for the six months period starting from January 2021) and £10,000 budget for the pilot campaign period. – please note, you are asked to focus on utilizing earned media;
• Evaluation techniques to measure the effectiveness of the content and overall digital marketing and communication plans;
• Supporting evidence and creative materials to support decisions and recommendations that are made – you should be aiming for QUALITY rather than quantity.