Explain Are there any available empirical data, tables, models or regressions that already exist that will be used to critically assess the difference between European countries and the US?


Paper suggestions:

-Europe and the US are quite broad. It would be better if we could look at more specific countries. For instance, in Europe, not all countries have low unemployment for the same reasons or low unemployment at all due to their contrasting laws and policies. Therefore, choosing a few countries would help in critically assessing long-term unemployment between Europe and the US.

Also, in the US , there was the introduction of Obama care back in 2010 (more commonly known as the Affordable Care Act (or ACA) ). It would be great to incorporate this when mentioning any policy implications (where relevant). I believe that would have also affected unemployment in the US.

-Its important to mention which literatures will be assessed.

-Assess a few literatures and build a contrast between them.

-Are there any available empirical data, tables, models or regressions that already exist that will be used to critically assess the difference between European countries and the US?

-Will this literature review cover data over a certain number of years? maybe choose a period to look at as It may be clearer to analyse. OR on the contrary, maybe look at a longer period of time to get a better representation of data. Either, or will be fine.

-Ensure to use Macroeconomic terms and feel free to explore a different perspective to mine.

This paper could possibly assist:

Unemployment and Labor Market Rigidities: Europe versus North America

Stephen Nickell

Additional Information: approximately 8-15 sources/references ( slightly less than what was originally submitted) should be sufficient for the entire literature review]