What are the steps for testing a hypothesis?And when do you reject the null, and what does that mean?

1) What is statistical inference and what is the role of probability, in making a statistical inference?
2) What is the alpha level?
3) What are the steps for testing a hypothesis?And when do you reject the null, and what does that mean?
4) What is a Type I and Type II error?
– Describe them. What happens every time you claim you result is significant or if you claim you did not find something significant?
– Can you “fix” type I or II errors?
– How are they related?
– What happens if I decrease the alpha level?
– What happens if I increase it?
– Why is alpha set at .05?
– Give me an analogy that describes the application of Type I and II errors

5) What is the confidence interval? Why do we have it?
6) What are effect sizes and why do we use them?
– What does it mean to have a strong or weak effect?
– What are the different effect sizes?

7) What is power and why we need it, what issue does it address?
– What is a power analysis?
– How do you increase power?

8) Why do people make such a fuss about needing a large sample size?