Write a short essay in which you highlight the ways climate change is shaping business, especially: goals, strategies, alliances, staffing, organizational structures (the topics we’ve been covering in the second half of the semester).


Climate change is arguably the most pressing issue facing all of us – including business people. The current impact of climate change AND the prospect of increased changes in the future – on agriculture, sea levels/flooding, weather (hurricanes, typhoons, drought), wildfires, etc. is already affecting how forward-thinking business people. Think about their goals, strategies, alliances, staffing, organizational structures – in short, everything.

Read the following:

Explore through several articles on climate change on the below sites:


Write a short essay in which you highlight the ways climate change is shaping business, especially: goals, strategies, alliances, staffing, organizational structures (the topics we’ve been covering in the second half of the semester). USE SPECIFIC INFORMATION FROM THE MATERIALS to illustrate your points.