Discuss the role of time preference in the link between socio-economic status and health.Are people price-sensitive when it comes to health care? Discuss the evidence relating the cost of health care to health care utilisation.

Are people price-sensitive when it comes to health care? Discuss the evidence relating the cost of health care to health care utilisation.

2“Lowering the price of health care is necessary to improve health.” Evaluate the merits of this statement

3Will staying in school improve your health? Assess the effect of education onhealth

4“Better health enables individuals to attain a higher socio-economic status.” Discuss the evidence substantiating this claim.

5Discuss the role of time preference in the link between socio-economic status and health.

6“Adverse selection is an important concern in health insurance markets” Discuss evidence relevant to this claim.

7Is cost sharing an effective strategy for curbing moral hazard in relation to health insurance?