What is the statistical test used/ i.e. t test, F, factor analysis, Pearson R correlation, ANOVA, analysis of variance, etc?Explain

Purpose of research or what is the research question?

Who are the participants? Do they match who the researchers say they are interested in?

What is the construct? i.e. what are they trying to study based on the intro? (construct validity)

Does the measurement tool measure the construct?

What is the content of the measurement tool? i.e. does the measurement tool measure what they say it measures? (content validity)

Do they report reliability on the measurement tools?

Is there an independent variable? i.e. what they are doing to effect change?

Is there a dependent variable? i.e. what they measure to see if the independent variable effects change?

What is the statistical test used/ i.e. t test, F, factor analysis, Pearson R correlation, ANOVA, analysis of variance, etc?

Do they present data that shows a statistical significance difference in the data? i.e. p value less than .05

What are the results?

Do the researchers say the results are generalized only to the population study?

What is the face validity? Do the results make sense to you?