How important is getting a Bachelors Degree?How important is it to you that you get married?Discuss

How important is it to you that you get married? Label the category withthe number that corresponds to how important the category is to you.

55 responsesHow important is it to you to have children? Label the category with thenumber that corresponds to how important the category is to you

.55 responsesHow important is getting a Bachelors Degree? Label the category with thenumber that corresponds to how important the category is to you.55 responsesHow important is getting a Masters Degree? Label the category with thenumber that corresponds to how important the category is to you.

55 responsesHow important is getting a Doctorate Degree? Label the category with thenumber that corresponds to how important the category is to you.

55 responsesWhat is more important, a job that pays well or a job that makes you happy?55 responsesHow important is it to your immediate family that you get married?55 responsesHow important is it to your family that your job pays well?

55 responsesHow important is it to your family that your job makes you happy?

55 responses

How important is it to you that your partner or partners be college educated?

55 responsesAre you a first generation college student?55 responsesList the Ethnicity or Ethnicities you most strongly identify with.

44 responsesWhat gender do you identify with?

55 responsesWhat best describes your current socio economic status?

55 responsesIs there anything you would like to add about your personal ideas of success, orany feedback of the survey?

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