Compare are Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, or a few others they research (Microsoft Word and Excel are not considered presentation software)

Create a matrix comparing five features of presentation software.

Using these five features, compare two presentation programs.

Include a brief reflection on how the programs meet or fail to meet your expectations.

Choose a delivery format for your comparison:

Matrix created in a Microsoft® Office® program
Venn Diagram
Tips on how to create a Venn Diagram can be found at the Microsoft® Office® Support website.
1-page summary

Note from the Instructor:

Presentation software that many students choose from to compare are Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, or a few others they research (Microsoft Word and Excel are not considered presentation software)

Comparisons can show similarities and differences. Some students put the key features and costs in a comparison table

Make sure to clearly state the 5 comparison criteria you picked and then use them to rate each product, for example how five features of PowerPoint compare to Prezi. Reminder, you do not need to do all three (matrix, Venn, and a 1-page summary), just one of those choices. Remember to include a brief reflection paragraph no matter which format is used.