Describe the business “climate” / identify and discuss the current political, economic commercial, government events, trade issues and conflicts

Report on each country independently. And, where applicable, compare and contrast.
Communist? free market? what are the key sources of econ activity?

1. Conduct a PESTEL analysis
2. Describe the structure of the economy, PPP and GINI index
3. Describe the business “climate” / identify and discuss the current political, economic
commercial, government events, trade issues and conflicts;
4. Include a chart of the Hofstede cultural dimensions a summary explanation for each
country. Compare and contrast
5. Research sites that rank countries on the basis of entrepreneurship, openness to
new and foreign business, and corruption and provide a comparison and contrast in
these situations.
6. Identify at least 5-7 attractions and challenges for conducting business each country
7. Report on each country independently. And, where applicable, compare and