Argue what the books/essay have meant in YOUR LIFE—what NEW did you learn from Camus?

Paper detalis:

“In a 1250-1500 word paper argue the important lessons you have learned from your study of Albert Camus.

Consider a Body paragraph from “The Myth of Sisyphus,” one from THE STRANGER, and three from THE PLAGUE. Five total.

Your thesis might be something like “ From Camus I learned the value of Community [or the value of Community Service–or my own community service to make it more personal] (And THE STRANGER could be cited as the rejection of Community.) “From Camus’ absurdism I learned the importance of my own religious faith,” or “From Camus I learned the definition of a decent life.” Start your Introductory paragraph with an incident from your own life or a significant quotation from Camus. Do not summarize the works—assume your reader has read them, but argue what the books/essay have meant in YOUR LIFE—what NEW did you learn from Camus?

Inasmuch as we are experiencing our own pandemic, you may also draw on lessons you have learned in dealing with COVID 19 from your reading of THE PLAGUE. Pulin and I are hoping that some students will explore how the weirdness and isolation of the COVID pandemic is making Camus’ views either more or less relevant to modern life. (But also include a reference to THE STRANGER and “The Myth,” if appropriate.)

Sample Topic Sentences might include “From Father Paneloux I learned how a Church interacts with a Community.” Or “From Dr. Rieux I learned the importance of leadership in a Community.” Or, “From Mersault I learned , in a negative example, to accept my community.”””””