Explain the concepts behind medical malpractice.Can medical malpractice be considered efficient if it causes “defensive medicine”?


Part 1 Conduct research on the topic following below questions.

~Explain the concepts behind medical malpractice.

6. Having in mind that the goal of medical malpractice is to reduce medical injury and error, as tort liability increases, does negligence really fall?

Can medical malpractice be considered efficient if it causes “defensive medicine”?

Part 2 Brief Roberts v. Williamson, 111 S.W. 3d 113 (Tex. 2003) case, prepare an action plan.

Use the organization plan of action / risk reduction strategies in the template (p.10) to prepare an action plan for managing the risk associated with this adverse event. ~ Tiffany action plan

As a result of assessing the situation and researching best practices, develop a comprehensive recommendation for the key decision makers of this healthcare organization addressing the business problems, opportunities, and a possible course of action.