Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s arguments and their contemporary relevance.

For this extra credit option, read one of the books below and provide a thoughtful reaction to the ideas shared by the author. This should be a critical analysis in which you first summarize the views presented by the author and then critique them based on your own knowledge, personal experience, and course readings. For this extra credit option, read one of the books below and provide a thoughtful reaction to the ideas shared by the author. This should be a critical analysis in which you first summarize the views presented by the author and then critique them based on your own knowledge, personal experience, and course readings. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the author’s arguments and their contemporary relevance. The review should be a Word document of 4-5 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt, with page numbers labeled. This is not very much space and will require you to be succinct in your writing. Your paper should contain in-text citations and a reference list, in APA format. Select one book on which to focus your critical analysis: The review should be a Word document of 4-5 pages, double-spaced, 12 pt, with page numbers labeled. This is not very much space and will require you to be succinct in your writing. Your paper should contain in-text citations and a reference list, in APA format. Select one book on which to focus your critical analysis: