What significant information about your family can you think of that has been important to the development of your character/personality

1.Are there any familypatterns that you are curious about? What are their origins?

2.Are there any family members whom youare very closewith? Friends who are close? Who are they?

3.Are there members with whom there are cutoffs, triangles, fusion, conflicts, admiration, jealousy etc.?
4.Are there intergenerational alliances?

5.How do you get along with each member of your nuclear family and extended family?

6.Whom do you see as the “strong one?” The undifferentiatedone? The one viewed as having all of the problems?(IP)

7.Is there acleartransgenerational patternthat is apparentto you?

8.What significant information about your family can you think of that has been important to the development of your character/personality