What are some of the causes in the changing of the American family?How effective has the women’s movement been from the 1800s to the present? Give facts not opinions.

1) Why can race be viewed as both a myth AND reality? (chapter 11)

2) How effective has the women’s movement been from the 1800s to the present? Give facts not opinions. (chapter 12)

3) How has the aging population affected American society? (chapter 13)

4) What is wrong with the US prison system? (chapter 7)

5) What are some of the causes in the changing of the American family? (chapter 14)

6) What factors affect educational attainment? (chapter 16)

7) Explain three social functions of religion in society. (chapter 15)

8) Why is it difficult for a nation to be either entirely capitalist or entirely socialist? (chapter 18)

9) What are the five types of social movements and the features of each. (chapter 21)

10) Discuss three things that you learned from this course and the reasons they made an impact on you.