Discuss how similarities or differences in the author’s ideas affects the issue as you see it.

Write three 3-4 page papers discussing two contrasting readings: Plato and Rousseau; Dewey and Foucault; Freire and Noddings.

The focus of the papers should be a current educational issue discussed in response to the authors you have read. The papers should reflect your thoughts, rather than be a summary of the reading. You should select some educational issue of concern to yourself that you see the readings to illuminate.

Using two brief quotations, with correct citations, from the assigned readings (not the editor’s introduction) indicate which aspects of the reading are relevant to your issue. Discuss how similarities or differences in the author’s ideas affects the issue as you see it. Be sensitive to contrasting views, assumptions that you and the authors make, and the context within which positions are put forward.

Using your own educational experiences and aspirations, describe in concrete terms how the aspects of the authors you select are exemplified by current educational goals and classroom practices.