Discuss a proposal to improve an aspect at AUS (American university of Sharjah), a problem you observe at AUS and possible solutions to address it, or your standpoint from an argument raised against/ with AUS’s approaches, rules, exam procedures, teaching pedagogies, learning environment or student experience.

In 1000 – 1200 words, write an argumentative or persuasive essay in which you discuss a proposal to improve an aspect at AUS (American university of Sharjah), a problem you observe at AUS and possible solutions to address it, or your standpoint from an argument raised against/ with AUS’s approaches, rules, exam procedures, teaching pedagogies, learning environment or student experience. You may address an issue that is common to the univeristy in general or one that happens at a departmental or college level. As you consider your ideas and structure your papers, consider the facts and the laws/ procedures to ensure that you’re not assuming ideas (because of your personal experience) that are not necessarily true/ consistent with the law. You may need to go through the Students’ Undergraaduate Catalogue or the AUS official site and cite from them. You may also use the survey results to develop your arguments/ persuasive pieces. Besides the aforementioned, you do not really have to add any research, unless if you feel like you need to develop your idea(s) by considering testimonials from credible sources and/or research ideas. Remember to develop your ideas thoroughly, so your readers will understand your points and not think that you’re simply assuming things or being unreasonable/ emotional. Most importantly, explain and justify your ideas without offending your readers. You may use personal pronouns, but do not do so excessively.