Analyse and assess the implementation of the innovation, considering the organisational/regional/global conditions that may influence the innovation, and discuss the potential implication to the business and society, and diffusion of the innovation.


The assessment consists of an INDIVIDUAL report (2,000 words excluding references and appendices; tolerance of 10% in the number of words) applying innovation and creativity theories studied in the module to evaluate the innovative solution developed in the group project. The group project involves the development of an innovative solution to a business/social/environmental challenge/problem faced by a business or community during the COVID-19 pandemic. In the report, you should analyse and assess the implementation of the innovation, considering the organisational/regional/global conditions that may influence the innovation, and discuss the potential implication to the business and society, and diffusion of the innovation.

The individual report will assess your analysis of the potential implementation of the innovative solution. This will give you the opportunity to develop three important employability skills: Critical and creative thinker, entrepreneurial, and socially, ethically and environmentally aware.

You will be assessed taking into consideration the expected learning outcomes, your efforts to collect and analyse relevant information, and your capacity to apply the theoretical and practical knowledge discussed in lectures and workshops in the assessments. Special reward is to be given to students who can exceed the expectations, bringing to the discussion more sophisticated arguments, and showing great capacity of innovating, as well as collecting and analysing relevant information.

The assessment consists of an individual report (2,000 words excluding references and appendices; tolerance of 10% in the number of words) applying innovation and creativity theories studied in the module to present and assess the innovative solution developed in the group project. In the report, you should analyse the implementation of the innovation, considering the organisational / regional / global conditions that may influence the innovation, and discuss the potential implication and diffusion of the innovation.



Introduction to innovation


Analysis of the potential conditions that may influence the innovation


Analysis of the implication of the innovation and its potential diffusion




Presentation and referencing


Style of Report

Organisation and clarity are part of your grade, and help markers to understand your work. You should write in clear, concise and correct English. If you use bullets, please use them sparingly, and explain them clearly.

Word Length

You need to submit a report with a maximum of 2,000 words excluding references and (optional) appendices. The word count must be stated on the title page. A tolerance of 10% is given to the number of words.

Assignments that are too long will be penalised and assignments that are too short may not be able to include the necessary detail to complete the work satisfactorily.

Most students work hard to keep within the word limits prescribed. It is therefore necessary to charge (penalise) those who do not follow such limits, as follows:

• 1 mark will be deducted if the word count is not stated; more if the stated word count is significantly inaccurate.

• Marks will be deducted for excess words as follows:

o Minus 1 mark will be deducted for every further 100 words or part of 100 words.