Who are the users of the financial documents for a state or city government and a non-profit charity organization?Discuss


Apply the information you learned in the readings, and research (if appropriate), to the following scenario.

1. Who are the users of the financial documents for a state or city government and a non-profit charity organization? Articulate in your response at least one item found in the financial information that would be relevant to each user.

2. Using the budget documents fromĀ  , assume you are a Certified Fraud Examiner with a public accounting firm. Based on your review of the budget, compose a letter to the head of the government agency or not-for-profit organization or written summary of the areas of the budget document that would potentially be areas of risk for fraud.

In your analysis, include the following:

An introduction,

Requirements 1 – 2, and


Paper Requirements:

Submit your responses to the questions in a 3-page document in MSWord. Label each question clearly.

For written answers, please make sure your responses are well written.