Discuss Whet Is It Ilke to be Inside her mind? Cmcdhe Pces nature? Whet drawn her to the liahhlt HOW How does he extended fall reflect an Interlorjourney Into her Imaglmtlonmt Chaster la How night the ggure of the Caterpillar ben suitable one toghre Alice advice on the subject erg …Mg and changIrgyWhat Isrdbets dllenameWhat Is happening to Alice physirylly and emotionally and now might this regent upon childhood…dos her encounter Muthe Pry.. (who mistakes Mice fora Serpent, suggest about Me Pigeon’s gew of theneg. predatory nature?

In a page journal reflection explore ‘dens related to your reading or Ofine. ihn is not a formal paper. but a chance to pursue a more freedhinlarry merede in reaction to…etym. read…M.d, try not to generalgmstn, entries draw ieights with specificity from the literature to ask particular questions about passages, key concepts, and characterizations informed by Otil supplementary reading and lecture riles Os weak Ole highest med….nen. strongest crItIcal thinking to pursue a literary exploration or passages in Carron text. Please write a onetparagraph response for each of the lour chapters you read rso youryournal wIll he lour paragraphs tote. You can Isolate particular scene, set or lines, or pursue a panlcular quest. related m each chapter, Ive toed some puestIons to get you [hiatus,. you’re not held to Mese-feel free to pursue Ideas and …Ions of your own. Chapter One: Down the gahhttl-1010. nest, takes us InsIde mInd, Whet Is It Ilke to be Inside her mind? Cmcdhe Pces nature? Whet drawn her to the liahhlt HOW How does he extended fall reflect an Interlorjourney Into her Imaglmtlonmt Chaster la How night the ggure of the Caterpillar ben suitable one toghre Alice advice on the subject erg …Mg and changIrgyWhat Isrdbets dllenameWhat Is happening to Alice physirylly and emotionally and now might this regent upon childhood…dos her encounter Muthe Pry.. (who mistakes Mice fora Serpent, suggest about Me Pigeon’s gew of theneg. predatory nature? chanter Savor non would you enaranerize Ns ter pany,What :sakes frustration.. the guests: now dos 11,r pat Income a runInni.n logic and larguage? chnnerrwelstr How dos the scene reflect Me releuryaship of authodry and language? What or whom does Ake challengeWhet rituals are being called into …ion in the figures of lottp, queen,. courtroom, How doesAlicets presence upset Me SCenea
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