Develop a connection between these images and the images that are in your text as well as other readings about art.

Paper detalis:

The purpose of this assignment is to acquaint you with a variety of literature available in the visual arts. This assignment includes a combination of field and bibliographic research to be summarized in a 4-6 page (a minimum of 2000 words) paper written in APA style.

Field Research (I’ve included many images to choose from, find those attached. Please select the 10 you think would work best)

Survey your neighborhood to identify 10 objects or environments that you think can be art related or have art content and capture these in photographs.

Bibliographic Research

Develop a connection between these images and the images that are in your text as well as other readings about art. Think about what connections and comparisons with art history content you could make. Please use art found in the 13th century to Present and vary the time periods, for example don’t use only 17th century references.

The final assignment should include:

An introduction (2-4 paragraphs) describing the area of interest you researched, your curiosity for the art you found there, and information about the researched neighborhood (history, valuable facts, and etc.)

A connection to art history highlighting the art history content (time periods, styles, artists, etc.) that you are researching. Write a rationale for this connection that is supported by the literature. Use APA style for citations. A minimum of 7 citations of both books and current (2000-2020) articles is required. This section should range from 6-8 paragraphs and the references need to be listed at the end of the paper.