Discuss the structure of Theoretical Framework before starting to write it.Demonstrate a coherent economics based approach to the chosen topic.

Monday, 26 October Definition of the topic through a summary of the general focus / motivation of dissertation that should demonstrate a coherent economics based approach to the chosen topic. The research question to be investigated should also be clearly explained in this section. [approximately 300 words]

Keywords – develop 4-6 keywords that encapsulate your topic. You should have begun to note what these are as you search for previous literature, so this shouldn’t be much of an extra task. Note that keywords can also be a recognised phrase e.g. ‘monetary policy’ or ‘central bank independence’ as well as single words e.g. ‘growth’ or ‘unemployment’ etc.

Friday, 6 November The development of a Theoretical Framework which should outline the key aspects of the relevant economic theory and be fully referenced in relation to origination and application of the theory. [approximately 1500 words]

If you want to discuss the structure of Theoretical Framework before starting to write it then email me a plan by Friday, 13 October for us to agree proposed word lengths for each part so I can see the balance of the chapter.

Friday, 20 November Empirical / Contextual literature review to support the specific methodology or approach to be taken to answer your research question(s). These should be discussed in terms of a critical summary / discussion of previous literature. Only use academically credible studies e.g. refereed journal articles, books, working papers, government/NGO reports etc. [approximately 1500 words]

If you want to discuss the structure of Contextual/Empirical Literature Review before starting to write it then email me a plan by Friday, 3 November for us to agree proposed word lengths for each part (i.e. different aspects of previous studies to be discussed) so I can see the balance of the chapter.