What are some ways that Christians tried to convince Anglo-Saxons to convert to Christianity?Explain

Question 1: How does Anglo-Saxon law compare to other law codes we’ve studied?

Question 2: What heroic qualities does Beowulf have? How does he compare to other heroes we’ve studied?

Question 3: What are some ways that Christians tried to convince Anglo-Saxons to convert to Christianity?

Section 2: Frankish Stars
Step 1: Watch this video introducing Charlemagne (8 mins.):

Question 1: In the Song of Roland, Roland vehemently refuses to call for Charlemagne’s help. Why do you think this is important to the story?

Question 2: What was Hildegard’s impact on monastic music and the Mass?

Section 3: Pilgrimages, Architecture, and Romance
Step 1: Read the rest of Chapter 10 of the textbook (pp. 338-355).
Step 2: Watch at least the first 4:30 of this video on the idea of the Medieval damsel:
Step 3: Respond to the following questions:
Question 1: Have you ever been on a pilgrimage? (It may be religious or not – just a journey to see something meaningful to you from the past.) If not, what’s a pilgrimage you’d like to take?

Question 2: What are some of aspects of medieval courtly love that live on today?

Section 4: Gothic Cathedrals
Step 1: Watch the first 6 minutes of this Crash Course video, which introduces Gothic cathedrals:
Step 2: Watch this video on Notre Dame de Paris (5 mins.): fire/ and read about the fire of 2019.
Step 3: Read the first section of Chapter 12 of the textbook (pp. 405-418).
Step 4: Listen to Magnus Liber by Perotin (at least a few mins. of it):
Step 5: Respond to the following question:
Question 1: What do you think it must have felt like for a poor peasant to step into a Romanesque or Gothic cathedral? What are some ways that architects helped encourage that feeling?

Question 2: Do you think it makes sense that people around the world have donated more than $1 billion to restore Notre Dame since the fire last year? Do you think that’s a good use of that money?

Section 5: Thinkers and Ideas
Step 1: Watch the last 6 minutes of this Crash Course video, which introduces early universities:
Step 2: Read the rest of Chapter 12 of the textbook (pp. 418-431)
Step 3: Respond to the following questions:
Question 1: Taken all that you’ve seen and read this week, what do you think would be the main pros and cons of living as a woman in Medieval Europe?

Question 2: From the reading, why did Thomas Aquinas feel the need to write Summa Theologica?

Question 3: The current pope chose to be known as Pope Francis (the first one ever), after St. Francis of Assisi. What values do you think the pope may have been trying to convey by choosing that name?

Section 6: Submit Assignment
Step 1: Once you have answered the questions in sections 1-5, submit this assignment by Sunday.