What will be the new product’s objectives (create greater customer loyalty, increase trials, expand usage among current users, support trade relations)?

You are a Brand Manager at MSH Brands (or at your employer or future employer company). You are being asked to develop a brand presentation for a new product or line extension at your employer or future employer.


You are to develop a brand presentation including the following elements based on your research, building on your work submitted in Assessment 1. Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 8 12 slides that synthesize the work, using the speaker’s notes sections of each slide to expand your talking points. Be sure your presentation includes:

What is the brand name for the product? What role does the new product play in the brand portfolio?

• Who is the target market?

• What will be the new product’s objectives (create greater customer loyalty, increase trials, expand usage among current users, support trade relations)?

• What will be the new product position? How will it complement the objectives?

• What will be the new product competitive pricing strategy? How will it complement the objectives?

• How will this be reflected in the packaging? How will it complement the objectives?

• How will this be reflected in the promotion? How will it complement the objectives?

• How will this be reflected in the placement? How will it complement the objectives?