Discuss about the novel ″waiting for the Barbarians by Coetzee″.How has the Magistrate been infected? What kind of knowledge has he been infected with? How does this infection work its way through his body and mind?

The paper is about the novel ″waiting for the Barbarians by Coetzee″. Its goal is to answer the question ″At one point in the narrative, the Magistrate refers to the “infection of knowledge.” How has the Magistrate been infected? What kind of knowledge has he been infected with? How does this infection work its way through his body and mind? You may also want to consider the knowledge that the Magistrate is infected with through his confinement, dehumanization, and torture, and whether it is the same as the knowledge with which he was infected as a (reluctant) witness of torture.″

My goal is to have two body paragraphs, first one talking about the magistrate′s infection of knowledge within the empire, and the second one being about his infection of knowledge through his experience of torture and confinement.
There has to be at least 1 citation per body paragraph.