Review and analyse a TED talk.hat were the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation? How could it have been improved?

The objectives of the presentation are to review and analyse a TED talk. When creating your presentation, please include the following:
Present a brief synopsis of the TED Talk of your choosing (they are linked in the document attached below).
Present the results of your analysis of the TED Talk. With regard to presentation skills (as opposed to content), what were the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation? How could it have been improved?
Each TED talk has a spark question; please answer this question during your presentation.

Also, showing actual videos from the TED Talk you analysed is not allowed. You may briefly summarise the main points delivered by the TED speaker but keep in mind that one main goal of this assignment is for you to analyse the style and the effectiveness of the speaker and their TED Talk.

2. Preparing your Presentation and Slides:
Provide an agenda slide to show what you are covering
Provide a conclusion slide to summarize key points
Reduce information on each slide
Use a large font and visible colors
Make sure any pictures or graphics will be able to be seen