Describe an activity that would advance children’s skills and/or knowledge in the specified curriculum area.


For your final project you will develop activities for each content area. Make sure to state the age group targeted in the first of your slides, after the title slide.

Five and six year olds, you will need to refer to the appropriate curriculum standards to ensure your activities are developmentally appropriate. It is not necessary to state the standards you referred to, simply use them as guidelines. For Kindergarten through second grades (six to eight year olds), please refer to the NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards. (You will need to state curriculum standards for the lesson plan portion of this final project.Consider which theories helped you create engaging and instructional activities. No need to state the theorists.

2.You will create a PowerPoint slide presentation, complete with digital images, video clip and text to describe developmentally appropriate and instructional activities that advance students’ skills and knowledge for each of the following curriculum areas:

Language Arts/Literacy


Social Studies or Social Skills

Creative Arts/Music or Science

Physical Development

3. For each curriculum area above, on individual slides for each area, describe an activity that would advance children’s skills and/or knowledge in the specified curriculum area. Include a picture or a video to demonstrate the activity. Include the name of the developmental theorist or the early childhood teaching approach, which supports the activity you describe. Include one or two related curriculum standards from the appropriate standards based on the age level you will focus on in your project. Neat and organized slides with no writing errors (55 pts.)

4. After you have completed above, select one of the curriculum activities you described and create a written lesson plan following the specified format below:

Written Lesson Plan Criteria (40 pts.)

(Additional guidance for lesson planning in red)

Curriculum Area: What subject/curriculum area?

Topic of Lesson:What is the skill or concept presented?

NJ Preschool Curriculum Standards or NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards:

Lesson Objective: The students will be able to

Motivation for Lesson:In this section, state what you will say to the children to get them interested in the lesson. List one or two open-ended questions that give the children the opportunity to talk about the topic you will present. Describe the pictures you will show to encourage the children to answer your questions. What will you say and show to get the children engaged with your lesson?

Procedure:Write a list of things you will do to teach the children the lesson objective you want them to learn. Number each item, listing the dialogue you will say, the questions you will ask, the book you will read, the materials you will use. Make sure to describe exactly what you will do to TEACH the children. The last item in your list should be a whole group activity where you guide the children to participate and show you what they learned. (As the children interact and participate, the lower level learners will have the higher level learners to model the skill.)

Assessment Activity:The group activity you described in the last item above is your assessment activity. Now describe it here, as an independent activity, where you, as the teacher, will evaluate each child as they demonstrate the skill. (If this way a lesson to be used in the class, you would make sure to have a checklist, with each child’s name on it. As you would work with small groups of 1-4 students, you would check whether or not they mastered

5. Include a reference slide to list all resources you used. Include the textbook where you found the information about theorists and teaching approaches you recognize in your written lesson plan and activities, the websites where you found your activity ideas and videos, and any other sources, which supported your project. Use APA format to cite these sources. (5 pts)