Based on what you have learned and what you know about the changes occurring in society, politics, the economy and technology, what will it take for Extension to still exists 20 years from now.

The social, political, economic and technological environments across the the country have certainly changed since Extensuon began in 1914. Some say in 20 years extension will be obsolete. Others say Extension can remain viable if it makes some major changes.

Based on what you have learned and what you know about the changes occurring in society, politics, the economy and technology, what will it take for Extension to still exists 20 years from now.

Provide justification for your answer. Explain your position in detail using the Writing Essays for Exams guidelines. In relationship to social, political, economic and technological environments, your response should also address the challenges and or opportunities related to the Land-Grant mission, funding, staffing, program areas, program delivery, program evaluation and or volunteer involvement that influenced your response.