Describe the interview process will you use and how you plan to conduct the interview. List the interview questions to be used in the qualitative case study interviews with the participants and provide a rationale for each question. The questions should be based on the following article (Guo, L., & Vargo, C. (2018). “Fake news” and emerging online media ecosystem

Building the Interview Protocol

Describe the interview process will you use and how you plan to conduct the interview. List the interview questions to be used in the qualitative case study interviews with the participants and provide a rationale for each question. The questions should be based on the following article (Guo, L., & Vargo, C. (2018). “Fake news” and emerging online media ecosystem: An integrated

Intermedia agenda-setting analysis of the 2016 U.S. presidential election. Communication

Research, 47(2), 178-200. Doi: 10.1177/0093650218777177) so maybe questions for journalist employees, editors of the new articles, and the managers over the newspaper division. An example is listed below.

A Case Study Example

The interviews will be conducted during 2-hour time slots via WebEx Meetings Space. Video conferencing will be optional to the participant.

Guiding Questions:

Part 1 (Employees):
How would you describe the last e-learning training that you completed?
After you completed your e-learning training, describe your level need for additional training reinforcement?
– Resources

– Additional dialogue

– Scenario-based activities

What was your experience working with your manager to reinforce what you learned during the training?

Can you describe how motivated you felt to commit to applying what you learned before your manager’s support?

Can you identify any noticeable changes in your ability to perform the job after the e-learning and managerial support?

Describe your ability to transfer what you’ve learned to multiple contexts within the workplace.

What challenges or obstacles do you face when applying what you’ve learned back to the workplace?

Part 2 (Manager/Coaches):

Questions for managers:

How would you describe learning transfer?

Would you describe a few of the reasons you engaged in further learning reinforcements after your employee took the e-learning training?

Were there any high-level initiatives or goals that prompted the decision to reinforce the learning? For example, was this decision motivated by a company-wide vision?

What have your employees been saying about their learning transfer and ability to apply knowledge to their job since they’ve received reinforcements?

How would you describe your role as a manager when it comes to reinforcing e-learning training?

How would you describe how your support practices as it related to e-learning training reinforcement?

From your perspective, how would you describe challenges employees face when transferring learning back to the job?

Describe the ways in which you’ve seen the employee apply what they’ve learned to the job after your reinforcement.

I would also ask clarifying follow-up questions throughout the interview:

a. What would be an example of that?

b. Please explain that in more detail.

c. What did you mean by that?

d. Please tell me more about that.

I’d like to ask you to return to something you said a few minutes ago