Prepare the pro-forma (prospective) income statement, under the three scenarios of the company’s economic environment in FY 2020.How much money (if any) will the company have to get from the issue of its new equity in FY 2020, under all three scenarios?Discuss


● Prepare the pro-forma (prospective) income statement, under the three scenarios of the company’s economic environment in FY 2020.

● Prepare the pro-forma (prospective) balance sheet, under all three scenarios.

● Answer the following questions:

● How much money (if any) will the company have to get from the issue of its new equity in FY 2020,

under all three scenarios?

● What will be the change of the company’s indebtedness ratio [= total liabilities / total assets], at the end

of FY 2020, under all three scenarios?

● What will be the company’s liabilities-to-EBITDA ratio in FY 2020, under all three scenarios (and will it

increase above 3,5 in any of these scenarios)?