What is the main fuel source or sources used to heat the house and how is the energy in the fuel converted to useful heat energy?Discuss

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Not energy efficient – higher running costs
Technical Infoimatior’
Main heating type and fuel: Total floor area: Approximate energy use: Approximate CO2 emissions: Dwelling type: View larger image
Boiler and radiators, oil 106 m 245 kWhim., per year 72 kg/m’ per year Detached house
Average for Northern Ireland
a. What is the main fuel source or sources used to heat the house and how is the energy in the fuel converted to useful heat energy? (One or two sentences.)
(3 marks)
b. Using the approximate value of energy use for each square metre of floor area stated on the EPC, what is the approximate total energy used in the property in one year? (State your answer in SI units to the appropriate number of significant figures and explain how you have carried out your calculations.)
(4 marks)
c. Using the approximate value of CO2 emissions for each square metre of floor area stated on the EPC, what is the approximate total CO2 emissions from the property in one year? (State your answer in SI units to the appropriate number of significant figures and explain how you have carried out your calculations.)
(3 marks)
d. Choose two energy efficiency measures that might be suitable for a property such as the one assessed in the EPC and describe their possible benefits and disadvantages. (Three or four sentences for each measure).
(10 marks)
Total: 20 marks
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