Which regions of the world are most at risk due to the number of nations possessing nuclear weapons?Analyze

Step 1: Create a map of the world showing which nations currently have nuclear weapons in their arsenals and which are trying to acquire nuclear weapons. Be careful to delineate which nations are signatories to the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and which are not.
Step 2: Analyze the map to better understand global current events and history. Write a two-page paper addressing the following questions:
Which regions of the world are most at risk due to the number of nations possessing nuclear weapons?
If someone made this map 30 years ago, what would be different or the same?
What has the NPT accomplished? Can the NPT be deemed successful if Iran and North Korea end up with nuclear weapons?
Have these weapons proliferated to areas that are relatively unstable (based on the map you created)?
Be specific in your responses and use concrete examples from the textbook, supplemental readings, outsides sources, and personal experiences to frame your writing.
Use at least two scholarly resources in addition to the readings assigned in this workshop.