Explain the importance of the literature review, and its impact on you. Describe the context of the project. The majority of the reflection ought to be about your development.

This assignment is written in the first person as it is you writing about your academic and professional development since starting and then completing the module.

Explain the importance of the literature review, and its impact on you. Describe the context of the project. The majority of the reflection ought to be about your development.

We are looking for how you assessed yourself at the beginning of the module and what has happened since then for you. Don’t describe the academic project too much as this is a repeat of your literature review and will not gain you marks.

In order to pass this assignment you need to display an ability to honestly reflect on your own experiences, thoughts and feelings and to critically assess your knowledge, skills, attitudes, what went well, what did not go well, what would you do different in the future.

This assignment is not a descriptive report about the focus of your project but how you have grown and developed in relation to the project subject area and in relation to transferable skills from academia to employment and future hopes and recommendations for yourself.

See the reflective account check list – demonstrate your reflective skills as listed in each section in your reflective account. Show the reader that you are using each of these skills in your writing.

You will be providing a handful of references only.