What are the benefits of encouraging creativity in organizational settings?

For this week’s Discussion, please review the “Unintended Consequences” video assigned in the Reading this week.

Based on the video and the information in your text, post a response that addresses the following topics. Keep in mind that you may also need to integrate other research to fully explore these topics.

What does creativity look like to you? What are the benefits of encouraging creativity in organizational settings?
What are “unintended consequences”? Provide and explore an example of either a positive or a negative unintended consequence. Some possible areas of exploration can be related to leadership, critical decisions, introduction of new products or services, etc. Feel free to be creative! Just make sure the example you choose can be connected to leadership or organizational behavior. You can conduct your own research on the Web or you can provide a hypothetical example. Strive to use an example not provided in the video or already given by another student.

Throughout this course, you will be watching videos that are available through the Student Resources area. Please follow these steps to watch the videos applicable to this unit:

Go to the SAGE Companion Website
Hover on “3. Fostering Creativity and Innovation”
Click on “Video and Multimedia”
Once you get to the videos, watch the following for this unit:

Hasan Elahi: “FBI Here I Am!” (less than 15 minutes)
Edward Tenner: “Unintended Consequences” (less than 20 minutes; you will refer to this video in Discussion this week)
