Summarize the author’s argument. What is their article about, and what interpretation of the subject matter are they offering?
Connect the article with material in the Foner textbook or primary sources. How does the article enhance your understanding of some of the themes from the secondary readings (this might include larger historical context or changes to American foreign policy, civil rights, gender relations, etc.) or the document discussions from class? Cite your sources appropriately with a page number or document title.
Do at least one of the following (being thorough here is what divides 80% from 90% and 100% papers):
Discuss how and why this article challenges an earlier interpretation of history.
Analyze how this article relates to one or more of the other articles we have read this semester.
Critique the kinds of evidence and sources the author provides—are there additional sources or perspectives that would make the argument better or provide a more complefktte picture of their subject?