Describe the steps/changes (from product development to supply chain) that Wendelin Wiedekling took to address the crisis in the 1990s. What concepts from this class, if any, did you see being applied by the company during the transformation?

1. Describe the steps/changes (from product development to supply chain) that Wendelin Wiedekling took to address the crisis in the 1990s. What concepts from this class, if any, did you see being applied by the company during the transformation? Use the table below to start your answer; add as many rows as you need. (15 points)
CHANGE IMPLEMENTED PURPOSE CLASS CONCEPT APPLIED Cut shelf height in half (p.202, paragraph 6) Force inventory roducdon Eliminate “mode”
Insert your explanations here) 2. Complete the table below to show what elements or ingredients must be present for an organization to radically transform itself from mass production to lean operations. (