What are the societal trends or technological developments that help shape the issue or problem and are there unique characteristics of the issue or issue manifested here in the San Joaquin Valley?Discuss

Identify a social welfare issue or problem and the populations affected. Why is it an issue or problem?
What are the societal trends or technological developments that help shape the issue or problem and are there unique characteristics of the issue or issue manifested here in the San Joaquin Valley?
Identify an ideological stance you would take to best address the social issue or problem.
What policy changes would you advocate for to help alleviate the social issue or problem? What is your rationale for the change?
At what level of policy would you intervene; federal, state, local or administrative? Why would you intervene at that level(s)?
From whom and why do you think and you could receive support? Who might oppose?
In which way does your policy change promote a “Just Society”?