Does she callfor him because she doesn’t know he is behind it? Or is it because at the end of the day he is herfather and she forgives him?Discuss

1.CPE#1- Hesiod, Theogony”Dance on dainty feet, and who, after bathing their soft skin in the Permessos or the spring of theHorse or holy Olmeios on the peak of Helicon”(Hesiod, 4-7). This quote illustrates a connectionto the reading “Homer’s Odyssey”. The muses in Hesiod were depicted as “beautiful arousingdesire as they dance erotically”(Hesiod,7-8) just like the sirens were described when they sang inHomer’s Odyssey. The idea of seduction is something that will possibly be brought to light inmultiple stories we read related to Greek mythology.

2.CPE#2- Hesiod’s Works and Days”You rejoice in your theft of my fire and in having deceived me, being the cause of great pain toyourself and men in the future.” (Hesiod, 1) This quote confuses me due to the fact Zeus desiresto cause pain to men in the future who had not caused his wrath. I understand why he wouldwant Prometheus to feel pain since he was the reason why Zeus was in fury, but why have otherssuffered for things they had no connection to? “I shall give them in payment of fire an evilwhich shall take to their hearts with delight,an evil to love and embrace.” (Hesiod, 1) This quotedescribes how to get what you want, you need to go through hard, dedicated work. Zeus mighthave not wanted men to suffer, but to work for what they wanted in life to deserve the rewards sohe can not be deceived again.

3.CPE#3-Homeric Hymn to Demeter”Snatching the unwilling girl, he carried her off in his golden chariot, as she cried and screamedaloud calling to her father, son of Kronos, highest and best.” (Rayor,19-21) Persephone waskidnapped by Hades to be taken as his queen in the underworld. As she is being kidnapped shecries for her fathers help. I am confused as to why she calls for her father when through themajority of Greek Mythology tales he is the one who orchestrates her abductions. Does she callfor him because she doesn’t know he is behind it? Or is it because at the end of the day he is herfather and she forgives him?

4.CPE#4- Odyssey (Part I) “Cyclops, if ever a mortal man inquired how you were put to shame and blinded, tell himOdysseus, raider of cities, took your eye: Laertes’ son whose home on Ithaca!” (Homer, 16) Aftersuccessfully escaping and hurting the giant Odysseus brags about it revealing his name.Although he is a smart and strong leader, this act of hubris takes away from his accomplishmentsdue to not only putting himself but his men in danger as well. “Come back, Odysseus, and I’lltreat you well, praying the god of earthquake to befriend you” (Homer,16) Now that the Cyclopsknows Odysseus’ name he will try to persuade him in a friendly way to fall into a trap. IfOdysseus’ ego wasn’t huge, he could have gotten away but now he will have to faceconsequences