Explain how and in what way does the organisation assure its customers with regard to the security and protection of data ?

• Having completed this assessment, you are required to award and iustifv an overall score rating on a scale of 1-10. • Such assessment should address at least the following strategic and operational performance dimensions : Strategy co Organisations srategic digital vision; do they have a digital vision ? What evidence is there ? (ii) Communications (how does management communicate this vision either internally and to its external supply chain network partners?; (iii)Organisational readiness-how well is the organisation structured and prepared to execute the digital vision.? E.g. Do they have appropriate resources ? (iv)Transformation challenges – evidence Operational Your essay should address how your chosen organisation is performing (at least) in each of the following segments. Please address areas of strengths and weaknesses, within each segment below : 1) Strategy and Innovation (How clear and clever is the organisations behaviour with digital strategy?) 2) Digital sales channels — in what manner is the organisation engaging with market ? 3) Digital Marketing-manner in which the organisation is engaging with its customers ? 4) Cyber security — how and in what way does the organisation assure its customers with regard to the security and protection of data ? 5) Openess of technology platforms deployed- what & how accessible is the digital technologies deployed to both internal and -external supply chain partners.
Organisation and management in the networked (digital) era