What impacts have the COVID-19 on the international and national economies? How have nations throughout the world tried to shield their economies from COVID-19?Discuss

When did you realize that the COVID-19 was serious?
What official government agencies provided you information about COVID-19?
Was the information disseminated by the New York City, New York State, and federal authorities informative in helping you to protect yourself and your family?
What do you know about the ways the virus is transmitted?
What measures have you used to protect you and love ones from getting the virus?

COVID-19 impact on economy:

What impacts have the COVID-19 on the international and national economies?
How have nations throughout the world tried to shield their economies from COVID-19?
What are three indicators of COVID-19 impacts on the international and national economies?

COVID-19 impact on family and you:

Did anyone you know been inflicted with the virus?
How did the virus impact your health and eating choices?
How has the virus changed your daily social habits?
How has the virus changed your financial situation?
Do you fear going to your doctor’s office or the hospital? If so, why?
Do you ride the public transportation system? If so, do you feel that it is safe? If so, why? If not, why?
Do you shop more or less? If so, why? If not, why?
How has the virus impacted your children’s schools?
Is the virus having a positive or negative impact on your domestic lifestyle? If so, why? If not, why?
How has the virus changed your work life or situation?
How has the City, State, or Federal government assisted you or loved ones in dealing with your financial obligations, especially if you have loss your job?