Why internal marketing has gained muchattention?Explain the concept of socially responsible marketing.

PART AINSTRUCTIONSPart A contains 2 (TWO)questions. Answer ALL.QUESTION:

1.a)Why internal marketing has gained muchattention?Marks: (10)

b) Explain the concept of socially responsible marketing. Suggest FOUR strategies on how an organisation can engage with social responsibility marketing.Marks: (10)(TotalMarks:20)[Maximum 2pages]

2.a) Differentiate between market penetration and market development strategy. Provide an example for each of the strategies on how a real organisation had implemented thestrategy.Marks: (12)b) Explain the traditional and market-oriented organisation. Justify which approach is more applicable in today’s environment in preparing marketingplan?Marks:(8)(Total/Jumlah:20)[Maximum 2pages]
PART BINSTRUCTIONSPart A contains 1 (ONE) questions. Answer ALL.1.a) Based on the number of intermediaries, there are THREE distribution strategies. Explain the distribution strategies and support with example.Marks: (6)b)Justify the most appropriate distribution strategy for use by: (i) Porsche car, (ii) Spritzer mineral water, and (iii) Pumashoes.Marks: (6)c)Differentiate between corporate vertical marketing system and contractual vertical marketing system. Provide TWO examples of companies and justify why the system was adopted by thecompanies.