Leaders must lead by example. Discuss.

Instructions • Please select 3 pionmts from this list of 10 prompts. You should aim to spend around 2 hours in total responding to all three – i.e. around 40 minutes to each prompt. • Wake mind maps for the I prompts you have chosen and be ready to submit these along soh your unseen responses – they are part of the assessment. • This is an -Open Source- task – you can (and should) refer to any resources we have used in the course so far and any others you find. • Please make sure you clearly reference any sources. Any work submitted that infringes academic honesty expectations will score zero Ob. • Assessment: We will be using the Jr. Ethics written response task assessment instrument. Please read through this before you begin.
List of Prompts I. Why should I care? 2. -We need to move from ‘We. to •E”. Do we? What does Jonathan Sacks mean by this? 3. Does moral coldness have a place? And if so, where? 4. Taking the Convention on the Rights of the Child as an example – is there a place for Universal moral codes? 5. Education should only teach facts, not Ethics. Discuss. 6. Leaders must lead by example. Discuss. 7. Is altruism possible? 8. Rules are for others. Discuss. 9. To what extent is the “veil of ignorance” a cure for self-interest? 10. How can I tell right from wrong?