Choose a topic from Rousseau’s On the Social Contract, something that interests you,

1. Choose a topic from Rousseau’s On the Social Contract, something that interests you, which you can write 5-7 pages on.
• Your topic should be represented by an argument selected from the text.
o An argument consists of a main claim, or a conclusion, and several reasons supporting that conclusion, which are called premises.
2. Write an analysis paper that consists of (I) a thesis, (II) an analysis of the chosen argument as it appears in the text, and (III) a set of reasons supporting the main claim made during your analysis.
I. Your thesis statement should be one sentence, in the first paragraph of your paper, and it should express the main claim you intend to make and support throughout your writing.
I. The claim you make should tell me about the significance of your analysis.
II. Here is an example: “According to Schelling, evil is not merely a privation of good, but is a positive feature of reality and a fundamental aspect of human freedom; this is significant because it means we are completely responsible for our actions as I will attempt to show throughout the following analysis.”
II. Your analysis should break down all of the important aspects of the argument you have selected from Rousseau’s text.
I. Your argument should be organized into the standard format: list the conclusion (i.e. the main claim supported) and the premises or reasons used to support that conclusion
II. Explain the meaning of each reason and how it connects to the other reasons and to the conclusion
I. Key words and technical terms should be identified and explained
III. The overarching importance of the previous information should be clarified; restate your thesis, supported throughout your analysis
III. Provide all of the reasons you can think of that would support the analysis you offered and the claim you have made in a concise and systematic way.
I. Make sure each of your premises is clearly stated and explained
II. Provide any counter evidence that you can think of and explain why you think that counter evidence fails to undermine your thesis
III. Make sure you conclude your paper with a summarizing paragraph that ties everything together, and provides one last statement of your thesis
3. Your paper should be formatted according to the following standards:
1. 12 pt., Times New Romans font
2. Double Spaced
3. Paragraphs indented
4. Cite your source and all pages referenced
5. Include an original title that introduces your topic
4. Finally, submit your papers here in Canvas to get your Unicheck report; no papers will be acceptfkted without a Unicheck report.