How does Kate Chopin use foreshadowing in The Awakening to get across her message about feminism and women’s empowerment at the turn of the twentieth century?Discuss

Foreshadowing is an important part of The Awakening, as the novel begins and ends in the same location—the beach at Grand Isle. (Look up FORESHADOWING in the Literary Devices document.) As you read through the first few chapters of the novel pay attention to specific events, characters, or images that seem to be foreshadowing moments that might come later in the novel. Once you get to the end of the novel, take a look back at your notes and review the first few chapters again to see how your predictions played out. Write about the foreshadowing that you correctly identified, or, if your predictions weren’t accurate, write about foreshadowing that you can now see clearly after having read the novel. Answer the question, “How does Kate Chopin use foreshadowing in The Awakening to get across her message about feminism and women’s empowerment at the turn of the twentieth century?”