dentify-Assess Butler’s essay and identify five course concepts that relate to her argument or a statement made within the essay. Give a brief description of her argument, statement, or main point as it relates to a specific course concept

Prompt: You have been provided an article from the New York Times which is posted under the Reflexive Paper heading. Your task is to assess the main points of Butler’s essay using five concepts from this course. Your essay must include five citations from the course textbook to sufficiently analyze Butler’s essay. The Reflexive Paper must be deposited on the Titanium dropbox labeled, Reflexive Paper by Friday, 12/18 by 11:55pm.

1. Identify-Assess Butler’s essay and identify five course concepts that relate to her argument or a statement made within the essay. Give a brief description of her argument, statement, or main point as it relates to a specific course concept

2. Evidence/Citation-Provide five citations from the textbook that directly relate five course concepts to Butler’s essay. Each citation should directly relate to a main point from Butler’s essay and either support or challenge/critique Butler’s main points. This Reflexive Paper is comprehensive, therefore all topics covered in class throughout the semester are appropriate to cite. This paper does not require any additional sources beyond your textbook. Make sure to use specific reference so that I can identify where the concept/generalization/ finding comes from (text, pg 245 or Butler, pg 3). It is not necessary to use footnotes or a bibliography.

3. Analysis- Analyze five main points of Butler’s essay, utilizing the citation of five course concepts. Your analysis should show a strong relationship between the evidence/citation of a course concept and Butler’s essay/arguments/claims. Explain how the course content relates to Butler’s main points of her essay. Your analysis should either support or challenge the main points made in Butler’s essay. This is your chance to explain how the course concepts relate to Butler’s essay and adds to our understanding of the issues addressed in Butler’s essay.

4. Organization- Writing is clear, logical, and organized around developed ideas.

5. Sentence and Grammar- Sentences are clear and well constructed; avoids fragments and run-ons; variety in structure and length. Grammar reflects standard written English; spelling and punctuation do not interfere with meaning. Guidelines:

• Please save your file as a Word document • The length of the paper should be 3 — 4 pages • mart. nan,,