Summarize Coyne’s argument in 1-2 sentences. Do you side with Prum or Coyne based on the information presented in this RadioLab episode? Why?

“When a female animal is checking out her prospects, natural selection would dictate that she pay attention to how healthy, or strong, or fit he is. But when it comes to finding a mate, some animals seem to be engaged in a very different game. What if a female were looking for something else – something that has nothing to do with fitness? Something…beautiful? Today we explore a different way of looking at evolution and what it may mean for the course of science.”
Listen to the following episode of RadioLab from WNYC Studios, titled The Beauty Puzzle, which you can find here – Additionally, you can find it on your favorite podcast app by searching RadioLab then going to Feb 2019 episodes. Then, answer the following four questions – 3 short answer (3pts each) and 1 multiple choice (1pt) – to the best of your ability.
The episode begins with a discussion of the evolution of bird reproductive anatomy, such that the penis has been evolutionarily lost in 97% of bird lineages [both sexes of most species have a cloaca]. Three selectionist or adaptationist arguments are put forth in the first 7 minutes. Describe these three arguments and their fallacies, if any, in 1-2 sentences each.
A reductionist view of Darwinian evolution is “survival of the fittest”, but in fact, Darwin wrote extensively on the topic of sexual selection, female mate choice, and aesthetics. According to Dr. Richard Prum [~13:00 – 17:30], the reductionist view became very popular in the 20th century, and we might need to rethink sexual selection and rebrand the term “Darwinian evolution”. Summarize Prum’s argument in no more than 3 sentences.
Dr. Jerry Coyne contests Prum’s argument that female mate choice based on preference – or the aesthetic model – is the primary driver of the evolution of most species. Summarize Coyne’s argument in 1-2 sentences. Do you side with Prum or Coyne based on the information presented in this RadioLab episode? Why?
Multiple Choice – Which of the following avian species or groups is NOT used as an example in this RadioLab episode?
Club-winged manakin
Bower bird