What character must every CSS declaration close with before the end curly bracket?(A) “:”(B) “/”(C) “#”(D) “;”


1. HTML code can be edited manually.(A) True(B) False

2. An HTML end tag must include which of the following characters to function correctly?(A) “/”(B) “\”(C) “_”(D) “@”

3. Which of the following file extensiontypesis NOTa valid example of an HTML document? (A) .xhtml(B) .web(C) .htm(D) .html

4. The declaration is optional.(A) True(B) False

5. Placing the tags around your text has which of the following effects?(A) Creates an element separate from the preceding and following elements(B) Breaks up any text contained into separate sections(C) Adds a dividing line to your webpage(D) The text will appear aligned to the right side of the browser

6. Which of the following heading tags should be used to display the smallest text?(A) (B)



7. Comments placed within the <!–> tag do not appear in the browser but may be seen by users who view the webpage’s code.(A) True(B) False
8. To start an ordered list from a specific value you must use which of the following attributes?(A) “Begin=”(B) “First=”(C) “Start=”(D) “Commence=”
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9. To make a bulleted (unordered) list with hollow circles before each list item you must use which of the following attributes?(A) “Type=circle”(B) “Type=hoop”(C) “Type=ring”(D) “Type=loop”
10. When setting a link to open in a new tab or window what value should you give to your “target=” attribute?(A) _newwinodw(B) _blank(C) _opennew(D) _tab
11. What action will happen when a user clicks the following hyperlink: Email?(A) The user’s browser opens a new tab displaying the homepage at www.teachucomp.com(B) The user’s default email program will receive an automated email from the address ‘info@teachucomp.com’(C) The user’s default email program will open, however the “to” address field will be blank (D) The user’s default email program will open and the address ‘info@teachucomp.com’ will automatically appear in the “email to” field
12. Which of the following is NOTa benefit of entering a description for the “Alt” attribute of an image?(A) The image will remain cached and can be retrieved quickly(B) The description will be visible to visitors even when the browser is not displaying images(C) The description will be “read” to aid visually-impaired visitors using special browser software(D) The description will be visible to visitors even if the image which it describes cannot be loaded
13. A large background image file on your webpage can never cause delays loading the main content of a page in a visitor’s browser.(A) True(B) False
14. When inserting a table into your webpage, what are the three basic tags you use to create it?(A)

, …, …(B)

, …, …(C)

, …, …(D)



15. Iframes are away to embed another webpage into your webpage.(A) True(B) False
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16. Which attribute should you use when setting a maximum character limit on a text box in a form?(A) totalcharacters=(B) maxcharacters=(C) totallength=(D) maxlength=

17. When adding video to your webpage, which format is NOToneofthe major file types supported by browsers?(A) MP4(B) MKV(C) OGG(D) WEBM18. To ensure a video or audio file will work with older browsers, what element tag would you use?(A) (B) (C) (D) 19. In what order do browsers prioritize Cascading Style Sheets? (A) External Style, Internal Style, Inline Style, Browser Default(B) Inline Style, Internal Style, External Style, Browser Default(C) Browser Default, Inline Style, External Style, Internal Style(D) External Style, Inline Style, Internal Style, Browser Default

20. What character must every CSS declaration close with before the end curly bracket?(A) “:”(B) “/”(C) “#”(D) “;”

21. When using the TEXT-TRANSFORM property what value do you use to capitalize the first letter of every word?(A) allcap(B) uppercase(C) capitalize(D) firstcap

22. What is the proper formatting for entering a multi-word font value to the FONT-FAMILY property?(A) “Times New Roman”(B) Times-New-Roman(C) /Times New Roman/(D) “Times-New-Roman”

23. When creating an image gallery in CSS, the spelling and case of your image classes is NOTimportant.(A) True(B) False

24. What area of your element does the PADDING property control?(A) Between the margin and outline(B) Between the characters in the content(C) Between the border and margin(D) Between the content and border

25. If you apply the VISIBILITY property to an element with a value of “hidden”, what effect will it have on your element?(A) The element is hidden and no space is displayed

(B) The element is hidden and a blank space will appear in its place

(C) The element is displayed when a user hovers over the area with their mouse

(D) The element is hidden behind the following element

26. How will an element act when you apply the FIXED property?

(A) Element maintains a fixed position until the page is scrolled

(B) Element will not overlap any other elements

(C) Element will interact with the rest of the page depending on the fixed position

(D) Element maintains a fixed position and will not scroll with the page

27. When creating a horizontal navigation bar, what value doyou ascribe to the DISPLAY property of your list items?(A) inline(B) block(C) horizontal(D) none

28. Which of the following values is NOTused when calculating the cell height of a table?(A) inches(B) pixels(C) percentage(D) centimeters

29. When applying theROTATE method in a 3D transform, with a value of 180deg, how will your element be displayed?(A) Upside down(B) Upside down and backwards(C) Sideways(D) Backwards

30. To create animation in CSS, what property specifies the animation to be used?(A) animation-name(B) @keyframes(C) animation(D) animation-direction